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Inquiry-Based Learning Websites
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Workplace Preparation Websites

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Annotated Resources for Practitioners

  • AlphaPlus is a technology-rich website administered by Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF) with tools and resources, training webinars, e-news bulletins, and a blog.


  • Resources with short videos, interactive games, and quick references to support practitioners, tutors, and learners in the acquisition of adult literacy and numeracy skills.


  • Blogger provides step-by-step instructions to create and manage a blog


  • Resource materials for teaching financial literacy.


  • Transport driver application form.


  • a user-friendly site for learners, practitioners, and others to create blogs
  • provides classroom tools for practitioners to monitor and moderate all content.


  • promotes project-based learning with videos of classroom projects to view


  • website managed by Dr. Helen Barrett with links to research articles and resources for e-portfolio development


  • interactive practice materials with a Teacher Guide. Drop down menus for subject, skill level, and keywords provide resources on relevant subjects for adult learners.


  • e-portfolio website that can be used as a platform for classroom use
  • a personal or professional method of creating and storing information and managing multiple files. A premium subscription is $45 US/year.


  • Resources  suitable for adult literacy learners. Materials include overviews, lesson plans, themes and activities for adults and family literacy and numeracy development.


  • a website written and maintained by Richard Byrne with a variety of tools and resources, e.g. creating blogs, websites, and videos that are up-to-date and innovative


  • a questioning toolkit to help approach questions for inquiry-based learning


  • Gatehouse Books publishes reading materials for adults who are beginning readers of English.



  • Information, resources, and videos on ways to embed digital literacy across the curriculum.



  • Grass Roots Press publishes resources for practitioners and reading materials for Adult Literacy and ESL learners.


  • A digital technology rich website for learning about the process of developing e-portfolios. As a vehicle for developing skills, achievements, collaborative projects, documentaries. E-portfolios, like hard copy portfolios, represent a continuum of work.



  • General inquiry-based learning website with resources for practitioners



  • Repository of step-by-step tutorials for learning digital technology online. Good for experiential learners who learn by seeing and doing. Technical support available online or by phone. Monthly fee.



  • A guide to contextualized learning projects created by the Massachusetts Department of Education



  • Microsoft Photo Story is a free download that lets users create audiovisual presentations out of photos and images.



  • Create, store, and share a power point presentation online. Learners with limited writing skills can create a power point presentation using a digital camera, music, YouTube videos, and moving graphics.




  • Ningwakwe Learning Press is an online bookstore that publishes Indigenous literacy and cultural learning resources that meets the needs of adult learners in a holistic and culturally-relevant way.


  • Orca Book Publishers provides a list of ‘rapid reads’ suitable for adults in literacy levels 1 & 2. The list provides the equivalent grade level.



  • Padlet is free and functions like an online bulletin board accessible for learners with limited literacy skills to create post-it notes, write reflections, share images and ideas.



  • Create a free account and assemble portfolios, share learning, and create visual stories. Pathbrite provides tutorials, personal demos, and technical support.



  • A repository of free, high quality photographs, art illustrations, and graphic designs that are easily accessed by typing in a topic. Photos marked “shutterstock” can be purchased, but the majority of images are free.



  • A practical resource for practitioners to access printable worksheets and lesson plans in a variety of content areas; rubrics, tools, and tips. Free downloads or annual membership from $29.99-$49.99/year.



  • A catalogue of 1800+ Ted Talks videos for learners and practitioners.



  • A free platform for creating a website, blog, or online store. The site is user-friendly for learners and practitioners.


  • An interactive math site suitable for adult basic numeracy learners. This site also includes activities to enhance literacy acquisition and homework help.


  • YouTube tutorial on creating a wordpress video.


  • Simplified version of what project based learning (PBL) means.


  • Useful for understanding the idea of project-based learning.


  • Sheraton Hotel housekeeping video


  • Planning and preparing meals on a cruise ship


Assistive Technology


  • An assistive technology for learners with disabilities in an institutional or library setting. The website offers a free demo, webinars, videos, and resources. Kurzweil 3000 – Firefly provides a suite of powerful reading, writing, test-taking, and study skill tools that makes curricula accessible to all learners.


  • Reading Made Easy is a division of Premier Assistive Canada that markets affordable and practical tools for learners of literacy, English as an additional language, and learners with vision impairment. The website includes tutorials and free downloads. Products for home, school, and work include talking dictionaries, a talking calculator, tools for accessing information on the Internet, such as E-Text Reader and Universal Reader Plus. Write Now helps writers at all levels communicate by email, social media, and Microsoft Word documents.


  • Dragon for home or the classroom is a speech-to-text assistive technology that can be used to create documents, email and instant messages, and social media. Dragon adapts to individual voices and has a built-in text editor.