Read Book With Us

This is the cover image for the book Welcome to the Cypher by Khodi Dill, illustrated by Awuradwoa Afful, published by Annick Press

We hope you are enjoying the book “Welcome to the Cypher” written by Khodi Dill and illustrated by Awuradwoa Afful. For sharing any book together, asking questions helps us experience the story and learn together! Try asking these questions as you look at the pages of this book.

Want more ideas about sharing books together with children, and why it’s important? Here are 7 tips and ideas for book sharing!


Practice:1 Look at the book cover together.

Q:1 What do you see?

Q:2 What do you think the story is about?

Q:3 What do you think the word ‘cypher’ means?

Q:4 What does it mean to rap?

Q:5 Can you snap your fingers?

Practice:2 Try clapping your hands or tapping your feet to the rhythm of the words as you read the story together.

Q:1 How many people do you see in the story?

Q:2 Can you count the musical notes on the page?

Q:3 What shapes can you make with your hands?

Q:4 What about if you use your whole body?

Q:5 What emotions make you roar?

Q:6 Are there other words that sound like emotions? Silly? Happy? Surprised?

Q:7 What rhyming words do you know? What rhymes with beat?

Q:8 Can you rhyme more words on this page of the story?

Q:9 What are the children in the story using to make music?

Q:10 What are ways to make music with your family?

Practice:3 You can do so many things even if you are doing them for the first time.

Q:1 Can your li’l one clap a beat you can all repeat?

Q:2 Music can make you feel different things. What kinds of music do you listen to with your family?

Q:3 Do you have a favourite song?

Q:4 Where do you hear music? In the kitchen? In the classroom? In the car?

Q:5 Where is your favourite place to listen to music?

Q:6 Can you make a circle with the friends or family you are with?

Celebrate with people around you! Give a high five, a fist bump, or a clap!

Thanks for rapping and rhyming along with this story!